Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And we are back maybe..

Hey all it's me Melissa
 we are alive but very busy.

Post soon please :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

An Update :D

Hey guys!
Well sorry for the lack of posting.
Anyhow I want to know how many of you guys read this blog
So if your reading this post go make a comment

Oh! I have an review
Theres this site called
You can read stories just about ANY tv show, movie, book, video game, play. musical and ainme .
I'm on that site
Go join. It's free :)
And emily theres Twilight stories :)
oh and I rate it 9.5/10 stars
And if you join comment with your "pename"

SO JOIN!!!!!!
And Mikey theres Percy Jackson there too :)
Yes Please join

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

my review of the social network.

hi guys
so i wanted to review a movie i saw about a month ago. its called "the social network". its a story about how 20-sumthing year old marc zuckenberg was in harvard, dropped out, and created a new website we know today called facebook.
based on a true story, this movie takes you back to 2003 when facebook was first created. you can really see the process and hard work you have to go through when making a website like facebook. today, marc is one of the youngest and richest ppl on the earth. marc is only in his mid thirties. dont u think its amazing how a college student, with the help of a friend, made such a popular website that has millions of people who go on it each day? since im sorta young, i didnt totally get some scenes. but if ur an adult, i think ud really enjoy this. i reccomend this movie for ppl like in middle school and up. if ur younger, i dont rlly think ud get it and plus there r sum partying scenes too lolz.
so yaa, critics gave it like an a- so its a pretty good movie! PEACE!
~ r pattz <3

my review of taylor swift's new album

elloz! its emily and today i would like to review tay swift's brannew album, called: speak now.
first, id just like to say tht on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best) id rate speak now a 10/10. why? well ill tell u down below.
shes beautiful, a great role model, and one of the most talented people on the face of the earth. all of this is actually true. its not an opinion. sure, some ppl mite not be a big fan of taylor, but she is very talented. speak now is a great album, with many tracks on the cd that each have a story behind it. "back to december" was an apology to taylor lautner, "speak now" was about her friend who loved this boy, and found out he was getting married to this horrible girl. and each track is great. if u r more of a country person, some songs for u would be "sparks fly", "never grow up", "mean", and "dear john". if ur more of a pop person, like me, u may enjoy some tracks like "mine", "speak now", "sparks fly", "haunted", "the story of us" and "better than revenge". her album is AMAZING. and the album cover is rlly pretty too. :) just wanted to share tht with u guys!! its out now, so buy it! cya!
~ r pattz <3

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I agree with Mikey 100% on this
Bullying is just wrong
No matter what kind of bullying
It's still stupid. From (bullying)

The effects of bullying can be serious and even fatal. Mona O’Moore of the Anti-Bullying Centre at Trinity College in Dublin, has written, "There is a growing body of research which indicates that individuals, whether child or adult, who are persistently subjected to abusive behavior are at risk of stress related illness which can sometimes lead to suicide."[14]
Victims of bullying can suffer from long term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can cause loneliness, depression, anxiety, lead to low self-esteem and increased susceptibility to illness.[15]
The National Conference of State Legislatures said:
"In 2002, a report released by the U.S. Secret Service concluded that bullying played a significant role in many school shootings and that efforts should be made to eliminate bullying behavior."[16]


There is a strong link between bullying and suicide.[17] Bullying leads to several suicides every year. It is estimated that between 15 and 25 children commit suicide every year in the UK alone, because they are being bullied.[18] 

Also it happens to adults to in the work place

So stop bullying

When bullying stops it would be when pigs fly..

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Adding on to Bullying...

I'm going to add on to what Michael said about bullying. I myself am a victim of depression, self harm, and attempts of suicide. I experience it everyday, and like Michael said in the beginning cyber bullying is wrong. In this post I will mainly focus on that topic.

Most people resort to Cyber bullying because they can't go and say it to there face, sadly cyber bullying tends to be the type that is the most effective. People take the words personally, whatever goes online stays online and can never be deleted or forgotten. So if someone says something bad about you, it will be remembered forever. It leads to pain, misery, and even hate.

People online would make fun of me on facebook, and I would cry myself to sleep thinking about what everyone had said to me. I hated myself, hated the world for making me the way I am, and realized it was all my fault. I would never be loved because everything in the world is my fault.

I'm finally able to see the good in me though.

Realize that what people say isn't true,

Bullying is horrible.




Like I said earlier, I have a whole lot to say about bullying. this will be pretty long. this post will be talking about vebal bullying, physical bullying, online bullying, and suicide, (not in that order) all 4 happened to me (partly suicide, i have attempted but chickened).

First, online bullying. This falls under the category of Verbal Bullying. I have 1 main thing to say about this. Bullying online is illegal, as well as other bullying, and also it hurts as much in real life. It can mentally destroy someone. It can literally kill someone, which i will get to in the suicide section. This is not ok, as well as all types of bullying, and i feel it better stop.

Second, Verbal bullying. This hurts the heart and mind. Also this lowers self esteem. Whoever thinks its ok to make fun of someone, no matter seriously or jokingly, it will make someone feel bad about themselves. Verbal bullying includes swearing, rumors, and could lead to physical bullying which i am getting to now. This needs to stop. Ths can also lead to suicide.

Third, Physical bullying. Definitely not ok. Damaging someone mentally AND physically is just unacceptable. all of these things have happened to me, and its like hell. I cant stand bullying. This also leads to suicide, which is next.

Last, is suicide. It makes me sick and sad to hear of suiciding. this brings me to the most saddened story of suicide over bullying i have ever heard. This is a story of a Rutger's College student named Tyler Clementi. This is not funny, and i am not meaning it to be. Tyler is openly gay, so he asked his roomate if he could spend the night with his boyfriend. The dormmate agreed, only to set Tyler up and film Tyler and his boyfriend kissing and having sexual intercourse. This is NOT funny. The dormmate put the video on the internet and it quickly spread. Tyler found out, so he jumped off a bridge and killed himself. This sickens me, to hear of something as nasty as this happening. I am just disgusted with all the bullying shit that is happening, and it makes me sad. I am done talking now.

My rating on bullying you say?

Negative infinity out of 10.
