Saturday, October 30, 2010


Like I said earlier, I have a whole lot to say about bullying. this will be pretty long. this post will be talking about vebal bullying, physical bullying, online bullying, and suicide, (not in that order) all 4 happened to me (partly suicide, i have attempted but chickened).

First, online bullying. This falls under the category of Verbal Bullying. I have 1 main thing to say about this. Bullying online is illegal, as well as other bullying, and also it hurts as much in real life. It can mentally destroy someone. It can literally kill someone, which i will get to in the suicide section. This is not ok, as well as all types of bullying, and i feel it better stop.

Second, Verbal bullying. This hurts the heart and mind. Also this lowers self esteem. Whoever thinks its ok to make fun of someone, no matter seriously or jokingly, it will make someone feel bad about themselves. Verbal bullying includes swearing, rumors, and could lead to physical bullying which i am getting to now. This needs to stop. Ths can also lead to suicide.

Third, Physical bullying. Definitely not ok. Damaging someone mentally AND physically is just unacceptable. all of these things have happened to me, and its like hell. I cant stand bullying. This also leads to suicide, which is next.

Last, is suicide. It makes me sick and sad to hear of suiciding. this brings me to the most saddened story of suicide over bullying i have ever heard. This is a story of a Rutger's College student named Tyler Clementi. This is not funny, and i am not meaning it to be. Tyler is openly gay, so he asked his roomate if he could spend the night with his boyfriend. The dormmate agreed, only to set Tyler up and film Tyler and his boyfriend kissing and having sexual intercourse. This is NOT funny. The dormmate put the video on the internet and it quickly spread. Tyler found out, so he jumped off a bridge and killed himself. This sickens me, to hear of something as nasty as this happening. I am just disgusted with all the bullying shit that is happening, and it makes me sad. I am done talking now.

My rating on bullying you say?

Negative infinity out of 10.


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